Nurture in Nature, Beating the Blues,Drought Planting,

The Star Lady's Blog

by Cynthia Brian

Welcome to Starstyle®-Be the Star You Are!® with your hosts Cynthia Brian and Heather Brittany on the Voice America Empowerment Channel.  Our goal is to seed, stimulate, and support space for positive, meaningful conversations that will get you talking around the dinner table.

In her ground-breaking interview series, Tania Moloney (Mum and founder of Nurture in Nature Australia), harvests the wisdom of experts across the world who will guide you in cultivating strong and meaningful bonds with your children. You’ll hear from some of the world’s leading advocates and practitioners who help connect children and families with and in nature, along with researchers, educators, emotional intelligence specialists, environmental champions, relationship experts, parenting experts, and health practitioners.

Are you feeling sad most of the time? You may be suffering from clinical depression. Discover ways to beat the blues in Health Matters with Heather Brittany.

Do you want to know…

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